Aaron Tallent
Meeting All of Your Writing Needs.
Aaron Tallent is a writer with more than 20 years of experience in communication fields including journalism, media advocacy, healthcare, and sports history. He can meet any written communications needs that you may have, ranging from white papers to news releases to op-eds to video scripts.

Aaron can write and manage the following services for you and your organization:
Blog Posts
Feature Articles
Letters to the Editor
Media Statements
Meeting Summaries
News Releases
Reports/White Papers
Social Media
Video Scripts
Webinar Scripts
Aaron Tallent is a seasoned communications professional with more than 20 years of writing experience.
Contact now to learn how Aaron can meet your written communications needs.
Below are examples of Aaron’s work. Unfortunately, he cannot publicly post articles that he has ghost written under another individual’s byline. However, they can be shared on a one-on-one basis with prospective clients.
Tobacco Money, Going Up in Smoke. The Washington Post. April 23, 2006
ASCO’s National Cancer Opinion Survey: Understanding Americans’ Views and Perceptions on Cancer. ASCO Connection. February 26, 2020
As Cancer Drug Shortages Increase, Patients’ Lives Are at Stake. Cancer Therapy Advisor. June 23, 2023
Oncologists May Lose $7.7 Million from Patient Portal Messages. Oncology Business Review. June 4, 2023
Leading Health and Technology Organizations Release Common Cancer Data Standards to Enable Sharing Across EHR Systems and Improve Patient Care. ASCO News Release. June 1, 2019
SEC Football: Ranking the 25 Best Coaches in Conference History. Athlon Sports. May 13, 2020
The NFL Salary Cap Turns 25: How it Began and Where It Is Now. Athlon Sports. August 9, 2019
Creating the Academic Journal for College Football Fans. Outkick the Coverage. August 27, 2014
A Day in History. Amazon Kindle. January 20, 2014.
The High Price of Boxing Immortality. The Sweet Science. April 12, 2005